

Designer has two different warning formats: those with ID’s and those without. Warning messages can also span multiple lines.

Warnings With IDs

Warnings with IDs are identified with the Warning keyword and the ID between colons. The message is after the second colon.

<warning keyword> : <ID> : <message>


Item Regular Expression Match
warning keyword ^Warning
ID \W+
message .*$

Warnings Without IDs

Warnings without IDs are identified with the Warning keyword and colon. The message is after the colon.

<warning keyword> : <message>


Item Regular Expression Match
warning keyword ^Warning
message .*$

Multiline Warnings

Multiline warnings can span any number of lines. They are identified with at least on space at the beginning of the line for each line after the initial warning line.

<warning keyword> : <ID> : <message1> <warning continuation><message2> <warning continuation><message3>


Item Regular Expression Match
warning keyword ^Warning
ID \W+
message1 .*$
warning continuation ^s+
message2 .*$
message3 .*$


<warning keyword> : <message1> <warning continuation><message2> <warning continuation><message3>


Item Regular Expression Match
warning keyword ^Warning
message1 .*$
warning continuation ^s+
message2 .*$
message3 .*$

Extracting Warnings

Extraction of warnings from the logfile will follow this process:

  1. Search for lines starting with Warning
  2. Classify warning
  1. As ID if ID pattern matches
  2. As no_id if ID pattern does not match
  1. Check successive lines for line beginning with spaces
  1. append line to existing message