
ELFWS can be invoked using elfws at the command line prompt:

$ elfws
usage: elfws [-h] {create,report,show,suppress,version} ...

Suppresses Warnings in logfiles.

positional arguments:
    create              Create suppression file
    report              Generate an audit report
    show                Show warnings in logfiles
    suppress            Suppresses warnings in logfiles
    version             Displays ELFWS version information

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit

ELFWS has five subcommands: create, report, show, suppress and version.


Use the create subcommand to generate a suppression rule file from a given warning file.

This can be used as a starting point for a suppression file. Care should be taken as the output messages are not formatted to support regular expressions.

The arguments for the subcommand can be listed using the -h option:

$ elfws create -h
usage: elfws create [-h] [--suppression_file SUPPRESSION_FILE]
                    log_file output_suppression_file

positional arguments:
  log_file              Log file with warnings to extract
                        Suppression file to create

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --suppression_file SUPPRESSION_FILE
                        Existing suppression file to filter out existing


Use the report subcommand to generate detailed output of suppression warnings.

The report will show the following information:

  • Unsuppressed warnings
  • Which suppression rules suppressed which warnings
  • Unused suppression rules
  • Warnings that were suppressed by multiple suppression rules
  • Summary of suppression rules and warnings

The report can be used during reviews to ensure the suppressions are valid.

This command has the option argument –junit, which will output a JUnit XML file. This file can be used with continuous integration tools to check for new warnings.

The arguments for the subcommand can be listed using the -h option:

$ elfws report -h
usage: elfws report [-h] [--junit JUNIT] log_file suppression_file report_file

positional arguments:
  log_file          Log file to check for warnings
  suppression_file  YAML formatted warning suppression file
  report_file       Output report file

optional arguments:
  -h, --help        show this help message and exit
  --junit JUNIT     Generate JUnit XML file JUNIT


Use the show subcommand to list all the warnings in a logfile.

This can be useful when first starting out suppressing warnings and a suppression rule file does not exist.

The arguments for the subcommand can be listed using the -h option:

$ elfws show -h

usage: elfws show [-h] log_file

positional arguments:
  log_file    Log file to show warnings

optional arguments:
  -h, --help  show this help message and exit


Use the suppress subcommand to suppress warnings in a logfile.

This can be useful when creating a suppression rule file. It reports the results to the screen and only shows warnings which have not been suppressed.

The arguments for the subcommand can be listed using the -h option:

$ elfws suppress -h

usage: elfws suppress [-h] log_file suppression_file

positional arguments:
  log_file          Log file to check for warnings
  suppression_file  YAML formatted warning suppression file

optional arguments:
  -h, --help        show this help message and exit


Use the version subcommand to report the installed version of ELFWS.

There are no arguments for this subcommand.

$ elfws version

EDA Log File Warning Suppressor (ELFWS) version 1.0.0